Na družbenih omrežjih je zakrožil pretresljiv posnetek, ki prikazuje moška in psa, ujeta v hiši v Los Angelesu, medtem ko okoli njiju divja gozdni požar.
Videoposnetek, objavljen na družbenem omrežju TikTok, prikazuje, kako v neposredni bližini hiše v soseski Pacific Palisades divjajo siloviti plameni, v njej pa sta ujeta moška in pes.
Moška, ki sta posnela video, sicer ne živita v hiši. Tam sta bila kot izvajalca del. V trenutku, ko sta bila tam, ni bilo veljavnega ukaza o evakuaciji, nato pa se je ogenj tako hitro približal, da sta bila ujeta.
“Vse bo v redu, vse bo v redu,” moški za kamero govori psu, čeprav tudi njegov tesnobni ton izraža, da se zaveda nemogočih razmer, v kateri sta se znašla. Moška se pogovarjata, ali je plin izklopljen in ali naj odpreta okno, pri čemer eden nagovarja drugega, naj ničesar ne odpira.
@isabel_mc89 Getting this video from my husband yesterday was just terrifying, I’ve seen his friend video circulate the internet and the comments asking”why didn’t they leave “ others saying “they are tik tokers “my husband and his friend were working on that job site the fire was from across and there was no evacuation at the moment when they saw the fire come closer they starting packing up to leave and in a blink of an eye he said there was fire all over the place they were trapped, they couldn’t get out he said, the house next door burnt and I’m just grateful the fire fighters got there on time they are both safe and so is the dog he was and still in shocked, already thinking the worst as he was telling me what happen I swear I felt like I was in a horror movie, this is why I’m so grateful when we all come back home after leaving in the morning for work or school thank you god for bringing my husband there dad back home safe to us, thank you my angel #palisadesfire ♬ original sound – Isabel m
Po poročanju ameriških medijev so gasilci prišli še pravi čas in vse tri rešili.
@isabel_mc89 To those of you asking or wondering if any more of the incident was videotaped, here’s another video showing what my husband and his friend experienced. Seeing these videos really makes me grateful and thankful the firefighters came just in time. Just writing this bring me to tears what my husband and his friend went through. I thank god every day for giving me and my family another day I truly believe god put those firefighters there at the right time.i pray that these fire come to an end#palisadesfire ♬ i was only temporary – my head is empty
Požari v Los Angelesu divjajo že četrti dan. Uničenih je bilo že več kot 10.000 zgradb, število smrtnih žrtev pa je naraslo na 10.
Dogajanje spremljamo v članku Število žrtev požarov v Los Angelesu se je podvojilo: mesto v primežu kaosa.
Kakšno je tvoje mnenje o tem?
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